Künstlerische Fotografie von André Wagner

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As human beings, we derive identity from the world that surrounds us. We are born as a combination of biological processes and, we have no power or authority over them. We create images of how we want to see ourselves through inspirational messages, assets, and knowledge that we gain in the world, and attire, which is something that leaves an impact as we grow up. Clothes are more than a piece of fabric. They change the world’s view of us and our view of the world. I believe that clothing and cultural identity have an intrinsic relationship, a certain attire is a mere reflection of the ideas, imagination, values, attitudes, aspirations, and heritage that depicts each period or era and societal evolution with a specific cultural identity or even a representation of religious belief. Our attire and the way we put ourselves together sometimes speaks louder than our words which acts as an "identification" tool that functions in determining the symbolic boundaries between people in a sense of Identity. 

At first glance when we look at the artwork we see a thawb with everything masked. The traditional middle eastern dress is worn by locals which is part of their local culture. It is a symbolic representation whenever we see this attire that whether he or she is a Muslim. It reflects a cultural identity but it would be wrong to frame religious identity in that specific attire. Islam exists in diverse cultures and giving it a specific identity would be unerring. As a Muslim, we believe that our self/identity shall be left behind in this mortal world while our physical presence shall go into the ground and consumed towards its inevitable demise toward the “ black hole” of nothingness. According to science black holes are being described as ‘puncture.’ Black holes are some of the strangest and most fascinating objects in outer space while being extremely dense and holding strong gravitational attraction such that even light cannot escape their grasp if it gets just near. There is no coming back, that is what Islam preaches that we shall take our soul towards the afterlife, which in our religion, is the actual eternal life and not this one.

The indescribable feeling of traversing the boundary between this world and the next, cannot be explained in words, nor imagined in the mind, it can only be understood through divine inspiration and revelation. Death is inevitable. It is the one thing that we know for sure in life. We are born to die. Every soul shall taste death, no matter who they are. This is endorsed several times in the Quran.  Life after death begins with the resurrection of man, after which there will come a moment when every human will be shaken as they face their intentions and deeds, right and wrong, and even by their failure to do good in this life. 

On the  Day of Judgment, the entire record of people from the age of puberty is presented before God.  God will weigh everyone’s good and bad deeds according to His Mercy and Justice, forgiving many sins and, multiplying many good deeds. One who transcends in virtue will be rewarded generously, whereas one whose deeds are evil, thus overweighs his good deeds will be punished.  The ones who emerge victorious in this judgment will be entered in paradise and the doors of eternal joy will be opened unto them. For those who deserve punishment will be sent to Hell - the abode of fire and torture. Jannah is the eternal abode of radiant joy, peace, and bliss in the afterlife, reserved only for faithful and righteous individuals who during their lifetimes believed in the One and Only God. Paradise is grand, a place of absolute calmness and contentment. A person will achieve his or her complete fulfillment in Paradise.  Their wishes will be granted without limitations and, the inhabitants will only see what they wish and their ears will listen to sounds that give them pleasure. Unlike the joys of the world we inhabit, the joys and pleasures of Paradise will never fade away and are pure and everlasting. A person in Paradise will find their company in the righteous, with many families reuniting. Paradise will be free of desolation, grief, resentment, indifference, jealousy, handicap, uneasiness, fatigue, disease, hurt, and distress. The shade of Jannah will be a haven of security and safety, and no worry or sorrow will afflict its inhabitants.

We all are heading towards a black hole, with days passing by, we are getting closer and closer. Running away from it is inevitable. We will be left with all our deeds, leaving all our worldly belongings and, no materialistic thing will help us for the greater day. We anxiously walk towards that day, to finally meet our Creator, the Most Gracious and Merciful, on the decisive day when the ultimate and eternal journey will begin.

— Samavia Aamir, Pakistan