My creative processes encompass imaginative inspirations portrayed with the help of light and colors. My work, Alexander Haus, is another epitome of how I explore time and history with the help of my art and practices. It is another one of my esteems for the spirit of the past happenings.

What is Alexander Haus?

You must be wondering about the importance of this monument, located on the Groß Glienicker See, Potsdam – in north-west Germany. The Alexander Haus was created back in 1927 in the name of the Jewish doctor and German President, Dr. Alfred Alexander. It was built as a vacation residence for the family. This single-story wooden architecture is one of the beautiful sites in Germany and is often visited by many travelers from over the world.

My Objective for the Photographs:

By taking the photographs, I intended to capture the old spirit of this ancient structure. My work reveals the modern, colorful outlook of this significant and old German edifice. 

The DAM Award: 

Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) was first inaugurated back in 1984 with the "The Revision of the Modern" exhibition. Courtesy of its publications and exhibitions, DAM managed to develop into a prominent institution. Alongside these, the DAM has been presenting awards to praise the architecture masterpieces of different artists from all over the planet. The competitions take place every year intending to promote the photographic exploration of artists’ magnum opuses.

Alexander Haus – This Year’s Nomination: 

I took the photographs of this historical monument, and it ended up being nominated for the DAM award! You can view it here on their official site.

What Does the Narrator of the Actual Story of Alexander Haus Think? 

Now, this might be a little perplexing for you. I am talking about Thomas Harding and the book he wrote on Alexander Haus after he visited the place in 1993. The book The House by the Lake is one of the groundbreaking books about something related to German history. Thomas told the story of this ancient house in his book, describing various aspects, including its owners, purpose, and how it has lived through the ages.

Thomas saw my photographs as well, and this is what he had to say about them.

"Dear André,

The photographs you took today are simply extraordinary. Thank you, thank you for all your hard work. What a gift."
 - Thomas Harding

"Dear André,

May I add my very warmest thanks to you for these really beautiful photographs of the Alexander House?It is hard to believe what has been achieved in the restoration of the house in these last few years. With so much thought, care, and dedication by all the professionals involved.
Somehow you have captured just that in these photographs. They truly are precious to us.
I am looking forward to meeting you and celebrating Opening Day. 

Best wishes. " - Angela Harding

I can’t imagine even imagine how the event and award might turn out. However, one thing that I do know is that I am more than grateful for the response I've acquired through my work about the historical Alexander Haus and can’t wait for the D-day to finally arrive. 

You can view the project here on this link and see the whole set of photographs of Alexander Haus I clicked.




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