The NFT RGB Megapixel is a kind of mirror image of the reflections that normally take place only in the mind of the artist himself: The question of what might happen if a block of the RGB pixels manages to break free from the camera and escape back into space. Three anonymous pixels do just that, but moments later the birds start singing again as if nothing had happened. Surreal... 

As huge megapixels of the primary colors, they fall back from their RGB space into the original, natural space whose image they were supposed to help form in the photograph. But their meaning, their impact in the real space is clearly more powerful than their anonymous absence in the finished photograph. Or perhaps not? 

André Wagner takes the viewer into his secret world of thoughts. As a photographer, he stands in an analog space, as here in a fascinating landscape of Scotland. With the help of millions and millions of red-green-blue pixels of a high-resolution digital camera, magical moments of this world we are used to in reality are captured for eternity via the sensor. 

And even though he does not artificially process or distort his color photographs, his everyday life still takes place mainly in the digital world. Sitting at his computer all day, he thinks in terms of his RGB color space, a world of red, green, and blue pixels from which every screen image, and thus a large part of all our modern reality, is composed. 

In photography, the quality of a digital photograph, and thus the reproduction of the reality that surrounds us, megapixels are an established term (the number of pixels that make up an image, measured in millions). But what happens when these anonymous building blocks of virtual reality take flight. 

What is the impact? And yes, Wagner did indeed delete an extra pixel in the data of this shot. But this missing pixel is virtually impossible to locate due to the practical insignificance of the "individual" pixel among millions and millions of others. Sad? Normal? Real?




Fire Swing